Donut: the little kitten who left a big impression

I used to think that my ideal job (after owning that little dive shop on the beach in Sipidan) would be to work in an animal sanctuary. Maybe orang-utans, or baby tigers or something cute and endangered and essentially a job where I’d be “doing good”. Now I’m not so sure I could hack it. Case in point: Donut the Kitten.

I arrived at Lumba Lumba dive centre, on Monday, fresh from the Banda Aceh ferry, and ready to dive. The centre is perched on a beach on the most northern tip of Indonesia, on a tiny island called Pulau Weh. The beach is also home to a handful of families, each with their own “cafe” serving what tourists and backpackers there are with home-made curries and Nasi Goreng. And with small settlements like this come semi-stray dogs and cats. If you don’t feed them, we’re told, they’ll not pester you. Some are skinny, some look like they get the pickings of the rubbish each evening. I managed to resist the urge to fatten up the dogs. mainly because the food was so bloody good I didn’t want to share any.


On Tuesday afternoon, after returning from a dive we were sitting at the front of the dive centre, drying off in the sun, munching on donuts from the local supplier (Mama Donut is a local entrepreneur who bakes the most amazing donuts, fritters, steamed cakes and fried tempe, and sells them to hungry divers on the beach, all of the princely sum of about 20p each; they’re worth 10 times more, believe me).

While we were blissing out in the sugarfest, a tiny little black bundle crawls up to our feet and makes a strange noise. It’s a kitten. A very scrawny, scruffy, feral kitten. She’s a bag of bones, and looks like she needs to grow into her ears. And put on about five times her own body weight. She has a tiny squeal like a cheetah cub calling it’s mother, but about as loud as a mosquito. She must be less than three months old, and she’s done amazingly well to get to that age. She’s the size of my flip flop, and she’s at my feet shouting at me, or at least trying to. She’s tiny, feisty and the cutest, skinniest, most vulnerable thing I’ve seen. I give her a stroke behind the ears, and she closes her eyes. I’m smitten.

Now, she looks far too young to be without a mother, and probably should still be suckling. Worryingly, she doesn’t seem to have been taught how to hunt either; she doesn’t pounce on flies like other beach cats we’ve seen. Her strategy seems to be: hang around these tourists and they’ll feed me.

That strategy seems to work, at least partly when we move from our seats, and she follows us, hanging around my feet, crying that miniscule and irresistible mew. She even rubs her head against our ankles, like my own cats at home when I come in from work, and they tell me they’re pleased to see me (but please will you feed us now?).

She’s all alone. No mother, no skills, just those big ears, little voice and cuteness.


She must have hung around the dive centre that night, as the following morning at breakfast, she decided to show up and mew at everyone’s feet. Amazed she survived the night, we sneakily poured some Carnation milk into an upturned shell, and she lapped it up eagerly. Once that was gone, and she’d licked the shell dry, she then got out her tiny needle claws, and proceeded to climb up a human leg, and curl up on a nice warm lap, as if she’d been invited. Two minutes later she was zoned-out, on an evaporated milk-high, and happily fell asleep.

That afternoon she was back again after a dive, hanging around us as we purchased Mama Donut’s latest batch. With that little ultra-persuasive cry, and her sheer cuteness and skinny vulnerability, she had me. I fed her a donut; she almost took my finger off. She scoffed a five massive kitten-mouthfuls, then happily crawled into my lap, and zoned out again on the sugar.

We named her Donut.

She followed us everywhere around the dive centre, although mainly, I admit, for the chance of food. She almost broke my heart when I went back to my bungalow, and she followed me, around the back of the centre, across the bridge, and when I walked up the steep path, she stood at the bottom, unable to follow, and shouted after me. I would have picked her up and taken her with me if I could.

Donut likes a warm lap; not too fussy whose. She likes being stroked on the top of her head, and behind her ears. You can feel her skull through her fur. She fits in the palm of my hand – but you can feel her ribcage when she’s there.


She was back Thursday morning, and got some more Carnation out of an upturned sea shell, before settling on a lap again, quite happily, as if she’d been there all along. She came back again in the afternoon after our dive, shouting as usual, and rubbing against ankles, but we didn’t have anything to feed her. I told her when Mama Donut came, I’d get her a special one.

In the afternoon, the guys from the dive centre were trying to scuttle an old fishing boat out in the bay, which involved a lot of physical effort, some logs, and acquired help from locals. Donut came to watch. She was getting around people’s feet, so I picked her up, and we sat down on a bench facing the sea. She curled up on my lap and fell asleep, with help from some behind-the-ear strokes. I was very content. I think she was too.

After a while, just as the boat was about to slide in to the water, Donut and I got up and wandered over to see the fruit of the labour. The local men who’d come to help started to move away, and probably thinking they would give her food, Donut bounded after them, in that enthusiastic kitten way, up the road in between their feet, looking up at them innocently, expectantly, waiting for something.

She disappeared around the corner and I didn’t see her again.

After dinner I came back with some noodles for her in a napkin, but she wasn’t around. She’d left the dive centre, and our accommodating laps, for the promise of food with some other people. And I tried to resist the urge to look for her whenever I was down at the dive centre, looked around under the benches where she would hide, but she’d vanished.

So why am I a big softie?

Now, my two cats at home are house cats. I’m very attached to them. They’ve travelled the Atlantic with me and I’m very protective of them. They’re house cats because I got them when I lived on the 27th floor in Manhattan, but if I’m honest, if they were allowed out, I’d be a nervous wreck (there are arguments both for and against house cats).

I used to cry at the end of each episode of the Littlest Hobo, so I’m not really any good with keeping my emotions in check when it comes to animals. It goes back to my childhood when my Gran had to put down her dog, though to having my own Spaniel put to sleep when I was eighteen. I was more traumatised by that than I was when my old aunt died a week later. I sobbed when Two Socks got shot in Dances with Wolves. I cried when my favourite fish died (I was 24).

I have an attachment disorder, quite obviously. I’d love to work in that animal sanctuary, but I know I just wouldn’t be able to release them into the wild afterwards – I get far too attached. It helps if they’re cute, innocent and vulnerable, and show affection towards me. Even if it is just for food. I can’t switch from “this is emotionally beneficial to me right now” to “this is in their best interests in the long run”. I need to work on that.


So, when Donut didn’t turn up for breakfast on Friday morning I tried to put her put of my mind. Despite having no mother, being a bag of bones, and having no cat skills at all, she’ll be fine, I told myself. She’s only been gone overnight, for god’s sake. And anyway, how many millions of cats are in the same situation? Survival of the fittest, I told myself. It’s Nature’s way.

Due to local law, we didn’t dive Friday morning, so the group decided to walk to the nearest village – Iboih – for some cultural experience and coffee. We walked the 1km, fairly busy road, in hot mid-morning sun (it’s true what they say about mad dogs, then), past the hospital, police station, and what we presumed was the post office, passing homes in various states of disrepair and grandeur. We stopped for photos, and enjoyed the walk – jalang jalang as it’s expressed in Bahasa.

As we entered the village of about 10 huts, each serving various types of refreshment, petrol, or groceries, a small black bundle crossed the road ahead of us.

It was Donut.

She came over to us and mewed at our feet in that familiar way, and all of us were amazed to see her, still skinny, still feisty, and a kilometre away from the dive centre, along a main road, in 37 degrees of sun. How she’d managed to get here we still don’t know, but it was her alright. She rubbed up against ankles and she got lots of strokes from us, and as we walked on she followed us for a while, shouting as usual, but then latched on to a nearby group of people instead, looking for scraps, seeing what she can scavenge. We went for a coffee and she disappeared.

So I might not be one who can bear the thought of my own two cats going out into the deepest city and fending off foxes, or finding their way home, but I’m pretty sure that Donut’s going to be fine. She’s got some fight for a wee thing.

186 thoughts on “Donut: the little kitten who left a big impression

  1. I hope Donut makes it in the world! I keep telling my husband that it’s a good thing we don’t live on acres and acres of land…We would have strays all over the place! I always feel SO bad for them! Good luck Donut!

    1. My husband and I are just like you Leah! If we had land, there would be unclaimed kitties and dogs everywhere. What a fun story and really uplifts you with knowing that Donut is resilient enough to travel all over the island for food. She is darling! Great choice for FP!!!! Wonderful writing too!!! Do not feel bad about crying over your lost pets. Any person with a heart cried their eyes out when Two Socks got shot. And then, the Indians having to leave THEIR centuries old homes. What a movie!!! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  2. What a precious & uplifting story. I totally relate to how sentimental you are about animals – I’m exactly the same way. Thanks for sharing!

  3. What a stunning post! My partner and I traveled with out dogs when we moved to Vietnam and Haiti. We too are terribly attached.

    Truly, this post is powerful–so evocative on so many levels. It deserves to be Freshly Pressed in a huge way. So congrats–and hang on for the ride!


  4. There is a cat and two kittens hanging around where I work. No one owns them. A woman who works in the building has been feeding them. She has also placed out a small animal crate for them to have shelter. One day, the lady didn’t come to work and the cat and kittens came to the front door of the building looking for food. This happened two days in a row. Sometimes I see the cat and kittens sitting on the fence near where I park my car. The kittens are adorable, but I can’t help but be sad at the fact that soon, winter will be here, and the lady may not always be here to feed them. Their lives will be short. My husband called the humane society. But, they never came. Thanks for sharing. Connie

  5. Thanks for all the lovely words folks! I’m very pleased at being Freshly Pressed, I’m sure Donut would be too! She was a little cutie.

  6. There was a dog in Istanbul like that. He hung out near my hostel. Sometimes he would follow us from one place to the next. We didn’t even need to feed him. He would just walk us.
    It’s sad though.

  7. I am a huge animal lover too. I was a vet tech for 12 yrs before I had my boys. We have 2 indoor cats and a dog. I also can’t bear the thought of them being outside and having something happen to them.
    Someone recently dropped off 2 puppies on our road-we live in the middle of nowhere. We have bee leaving them food and trying to coak them back with us, but they are very nervous. They stay in the same spot waiting for whoever dopped them off to come back for them. It is very sad.

  8. He’s like the ET of kittens – but still so cute! I had a simmilar experience with a ginger and cream kitten who was just learning to hunt mice when I found her. I would have taken her in but was afraid my two existing cats would have tourtured her. Doughnut will probably be better off in a house with no other cats too.

  9. I am so thrilled you saw Donut again – my heart was in my throat! I am a cat person too! Always devastated to leave my beautiful girls when I travel, thrilled to see them when I get home! My boyfriend even sends me emails of the girls when I am away, and I send him photos!!! (He is not a cat person – luckily he indulges my attachment!
    Lovely post – I am sure Donut will be fine – she seems to have such a wonderful personality!

  10. Congratulations. This was a very wonderful story that should be Freshly Pressed, and told so beautifully well. We chose one dog from our neighbor. We picked one more because of rescue along with a parakeet (of all things!). The two rescue cats that were alley cats picked us and became house cats.

  11. Reading this blog entry and seeing Donut’s little fighter face made me cry (I’m not joking!) I hope she toughs it out. I absolutely adore cats and hate to think how many cats don’t have homes & have to fend for themselves.

    1. Thanks for your kind words. You’re right, Donut is one of a million kitties that have no homes, especially in places like Indonesia, where feral dogs and cats are common. but she’s a fighter, I’m sure when I go back in a few years she’ll still be there!

  12. That is an awesome story. I have worked in emergency vet clinics and it is hard to take. I never expected to see half of what I saw but I would do it again. This is a great story and well written.

    1. Thanks Misty. I don’t know how you do it working at a vet clinic – I’d be an emotional wreck!

  13. Oh my, look at those ears! What a darling! I’m seriously tearing up just thinking about poor little Donut! I love kitties and wish I could hug all the cats, like that lady on youtube only with slightly less crying. What a great post, thank you so much!

  14. Awww! What a precious little kitten with the cutest name! I love Donut! A few years ago I found an abandoned tortoiseshell colored kitten that looked just like her and named her Toaster (she reminded me of cinnamon toast). Sadly she passed away due to a genetic feline disease, but I still have a picture of her framed in my room and will never forget her. Some kitties can just capture your heart forever!

    1. They can indeed and Donut was one of them. I still think about her, but I don’t tell my own two cats, I think they’d get jealous.

  15. What a lovely story and such a gorgeous kitten. I can see what you mean about ‘growing into her ears’ they’re enormous.
    I am an animal lover especially cats.

    Grace .

  16. That little cat broke my heart – I mean, really pulled at my heart strings. When I lived in Chile I would see strays all the time and I wanted to take them all home. Once when I volunteered in Mexico the orphanage I was at found a kitty. They were going to throw her out but I kept her and fed her leftovers of my meals all week. I hope she is still there. You have to find a way to help her!

    1. Good for you Sara. Unfortunately Donut is just one of thousands of feral kittens in Indonesia, and other similar places – and if I’d stayed over there I think she’d be my kitten by now! But she’ll do just fine out there, she’s got some character!

  17. Cute story.

    Donut looks like one of our cats when she was a kitten, except she was so young when we found her we had to hand feed her. Now we’re up to 6 cats and 4 dogs, all rescued strays.

    I’d love to have my own animal rescue one day 🙂

  18. Some truths about cats:
    1. You don´t adopt them, they adopt you.
    2. Maybe they choose not to adopt you.
    3. Be sure, even without a mother they learn how to catch mice and hunt, and feed themselves.
    4. And sure enough they have their own will, which means the might choose to charm you but go off afterwards.
    Cats are the real survivors in this world. My kitty, which found me on a hike in the French-Alsatian Mountains taught me.
    Meow over and out.

    1. *waves to Louise and Tepete*

      I certainly think Donut adopted me, even just for the few days that she did. Now she doesn’t need me to feed her donuts, she can fend for herself 🙂

  19. man. animals tug at my heartstrings. i’m a sucker for a cute cuddly sickly thing. but i learned my lesson over the years. i took in a couple stray cats…one was in my youth. it ended up peeing on a light socket. a fan was plugged in and running at the time, and it ended up catching a rug on fire. my mom and dad gave him away. the second stray i took in wound up being pregnant with 6 kittens. it delivered it’s babies on a small pile of newly purchased clothes. after college i had to give her to a family. then i adopted a dog with my husband. he was a gem…but drooled and shedded everywhere. and his ear infections cost a small fortune. we got divorced. he took the dog. now i’m pet free. and honestly, it’s lovely. i’ll visit the shelter when i get lonely.

  20. That’s one of the cutest kittens I’ve ever seen! But I feel bad that you didnt take her home. Even though Donut has survived a long time out in the “wild”, there is still a chance something could happen to her. I couldnt bear to leave her there. I would have taken her home the first day I saw her if it were me.

    1. Believe me I would have taken her home if I could! It was hard leaving her, but she’s a stray feral cat and there are loads out there. She’ll learn to feed herself and hunt and she’ll be fine.

  21. What a sweet, sweet kitten. Your story and photos were touching. There’s no shame in being a softie 🙂 I am too. I watched The Littlest Hobo on TV when I was a kid in Canada. I never could watch that with dry eyes. Just the theme song makes me teary.

    I find it so hard when I’ve travelled to places with strays. I want to take them all home with me. It’s a tough life, but I think Donut has what it takes to make it.

  22. My old cat used to look like Donut when he was a kitten. His ears were also too big for his head and he was just a weak and pathetic looking thing – so I named him Samson. 🙂

    He eventually grew into a very healthy cat and was as tough as anything! I’m sure that Donut will turn out the same. 🙂

  23. That’s such a cute little kitten; with her giant ears she looks like a huge bat more than a small kitten. I know if my wife was in your position we’d have a new cat when she got back, I’d have been awfully tempted, myself.


  24. I used to do wildlife rehabilitation. You are right. It is really tough work. I had some unreleasables. My last one passed away a month ago. Definitely, not for the feint at heart. It’s still hard for me to walk away from an animal in need. I wouldn’t recommend the work just for anyone to do. I loved it, but it was hard to walk away.

  25. She’s a tortie. They’re interesting cats, some can be spawns of Satan himself, others like Donut can be your friend for a short period before chasing their fortunes.

    And yes, I too love animals. In this house there have been four cats over the years. Right now we’re down to one, an average sized red mackerel tabby cat, except not red but buff, or blond as we call it. Her name is Evangeline shortened to Angie. Her nickname because of the color of her fur is Miss Clairol #29.

    And she’s sitting on the arm of the recliner right next to me, looking at me expectantly so that I might stop that infernal typing and pet her.

    1. Of course – how dare you spend time typing here instead of giving her attention!! My two are exactly the same!

  26. I too have a heavy heart for animals, especially kittens. My heart just aches when they’re on their own. I wish I could gather them all up and give them a wonderful home! Great story!

  27. Donut is an Oriental Shorthair, a breed I fell in love with when my ex-girlfriend got one and I ended up taking care of him for a year. They are very dog-like, in their attachment to people and their intelligence. They may be the smartest breed – the border collie of the cat world. You can check out a video I made of him doing some amazing tricks for a cat. It’s on Youtube under the title, “Orpheus The Wonder Cat.”

  28. That story touched my heart! I am SUCH a softie too when it comes to animals, esp. small helpless innocent little kittens. Looks like this one knows how to “work it” and will be just fine. 🙂

  29. So sweet! Well done – great portrayal. And bless Donut. I blogged about getting my two FIV+ cats from rescue centres last year – Marbles & Molly – in August last year, if you were interested. 🙂 All the best.

  30. So sweet, I hope she’ll be okay. I have 11 cats currently because they keep getting dumped. We have fixed them all now. We had 14 but 3 died in the last few months. Congrats on FP. I was FP’ed today also.

  31. My fiancee and i have 4 dogs & 2 cats, all rescue animals. We used to have 5 and 3 cats, but the cattle dog passed away of old age and one of the cats were just too curious and liked chasing brown snakes. 2 of our dogs still live on the family farm, they are a border collie and a lab X kelpie (AKA working dogs – they are gloriously happy on a horse stud/lucerne farm). One of the cats is up there also, we have a medium sized Pom and a mini foxy X chi with us, the Pom is 3 and the chi is 7, the cat with us is 19!!!
    Since I was little I wanted enough money to buy a ranch and take in abused animals, to ensure they had the best life possible. We don’t really have the money or space to help any more animals until we can afford a bigger place which makes me really sad. We have still managed to find a few homes for some abandoned animals though.
    Thank you for sharing this, it’s nice to know there are softies like me out there!!!

  32. I’m a sucker for a good cat story. Thanks for sharing this one. I, too, have a soft spot for critters, especially hungry ones that need a mama. That’s why I’ve never fostered animals because I know I could never give them up, and we’d be stuck with two or three dozen. 🙂

  33. This story just about made me burst into tears, ha-ha. I had a similar experience with a cat a few years back. She looked exactly like Donut and even had that same little squeak you described. The only difference was that she wasn’t a kitten… she was 19 years old. I found her on the streets and adopted her and nursed her back to health. She lived with me for 2 1/2 years. Unfortunately, she got very very sick and had to be put down. But she was the most amazing cat I’ve ever met, and I will never forget her. She truly changed my life 🙂

    1. Cats can do that to you, can’t they? Well done for nursing her – she had a nice couple of years with you 🙂

  34. Wow what an amazing post, this story seriously touched my heart. I can only imagine how hard it was for you not to take her home with you! I am definatly not a cat person but that little face is to cute.

  35. I nearly cried when I read that Donut had vanished. Imagine how happy I was to see that she reappeared. 🙂 VERY touching story. Hungry kitties break my heart no matter what the circumstances. Donut looks like a tough little lady and you’re an amazing person for caring about her!

  36. Awww, that little kitty, Donut, is so cute! I know that’s why I couldn’t work as a vet, I just become way too attached to animals. Just like you, I get more emotional over a pet I know passing than anything else. I would totally worry about Donut too if I didn’t see her.

    1. Unfortunately it does – I was on holiday in Indonesia for two weeks in September. but given how she managed to find her way to the village and find food there, I’m pretty sure she’ll be fine. Unfortunately there are thousands of feral cats like Donut in places like this, and I’d take them all home if I could!

  37. Loved reading this story today. I’m just like you when it comes to animals….a big softie. It takes no time at all to get attached! And kittens are irresistible….they never fail to bring out the protective instinct in you!

  38. Heartwarming…but scary. Now I’ll be worrying about Donut all night!
    Please update us if you are lucky enough to enjoy her company again.

  39. mew! animals have an amazing ability to bring out the best in humans! thank you for sharing your compassion with a fellow traveller (albeit four-pawed), and for sharing your story with us.

    1. Thank you, she is a trooper indeed! I can imagine her shouting at the latest tourists feet right now, with a slightly bigger belly and ears she still hasn’t grown in to…

  40. Cries of An Alley Cat

    Loud cadences in the still of the night

    Harmonious melodies carrying thousands of meanings

    Yet, in the eyes of the uncaring world

    Only one word hearable,


    I hope that little donut is safe and happy, wherever she is now.

  41. I love this post! It makes me all happy inside that Donut is fighting to survive and doing well.

    I lived in Chilean Patagonia this year for six months, and in the whole of Latin America it is taboo to spay or neuter. This results in thousands of stray dogs and cats everywhere, hungry and very tear-inducing for me. I had a very formative experience with a tiny kitten in April, who I saved from a puddle and carried to the school I was teaching English in. I kept him all day in the janitor’s closet, and then brought him in a box across town.

    I named him Moses. If you want to read the story…try here

    Thank you for sharing! A heart-smiling story.

  42. This makes my heart broken, no matter how many cats we see out there in such a state and condition, our heart will always go soft. Especially when its a kitten, to live each day not knowing when the next meal is coming, to live in fear of abusers, to be dejected by many and to be loved but not brought home… it is my dream to set up an animal sanctuary for abandoned pets, strays, abused, sick, etc… a sanctuary for them to live for the rest of their lives or to be homed.
    Donut is such a fighter and we pray she makes through in good hands.

    @Is Zhao — Donut seems scary because of the state she is in. Try to look beyond the external and feel the sweetness of Donut’s personality. All that is gold is not glitter as they say. 🙂

  43. I hope Donut makes it in the world! I keep telling my husband that it’s a good thing we don’t live on acres and acres of land…I hope Donut makes it in the world! I keep telling my husband that it’s a good thing we don’t live on acres and acres of land…

  44. It’s just a cat would you be this popular if it was the story of the baby wolf who grew up and bit you and you had to hit it to go away? No. People only want to read about sob stories involving cute animals, not wolves or sharks because most people can’t relate to these creatures because they are poor and/or employees. It is a heartbreaking story, truly, but it’s amazing how much a cat post gets attention.

  45. Can’t resist a good post about kittens. Cats are amazing. They can steal the heart right out of your chest and have you beg them to do it again. She reminds me of kipper – with me such a short time, left such a big dent…

  46. It never stops to amaze me how this little kitties survive in this world! If only ppl could see that they are little souls that fight to stay alive, just like us. The only difference is that if Donut was a little kid, a little baby, all alone trying to make it throu i bet you there would have been someone out there to take him in and look after him. Thankfully they are still good ppl that take care this little angles even when there not there own kind. Thank you for looking after her even for a while!!!

  47. I’m a huge animal fan…If I could, I would certainly become the world’s craziest cat lady, with all sorts of strays in my house. Sadly, there’s too many of them. In my own neighborhood, there’s these three cats that I’ve seen several times. One of them is just a baby, and he’s black from his head to his toes, one of them is a big calico, and the other is a medium-sized white kitty. We call the black one “Kuro”, because it means “black” in Japanese.
    He always comes to our house because we can’t resist feeding him some fish from my own cat’s private stock. (I’m sure she won’t mind sharing; so long as she doesn’t know she is.) He’s so tiny, I wish I could take him in, but we’re moving soon, and we can only have two pets; the dog and the cat. Who can resist that little ‘mew’?
    Donut is certainly a rough-and-tumble cat, making it with what she can, and her story is inspiring. 🙂
    Congrats on being fresh-pressed!

  48. I would not have resisted that kitten, I would have snuck it home with me. But I am like that, i wanted to take home a scruffy, disease ridden wild dog in Spain once, my parents told me it was a stupid idea and he was probably fine, but he looked so timid and lost amongst all that space in the middle of Spain. I always wonder what happened to him and I believe he now has a family and his kids are now striving for existence. Nature is

  49. As “mom” to 3 abandoned babies, I completely understand! Donut’s a cutie! Probably less than 2 months old but if she made it this far, she’ll survive. What a lovely story to start the day on!

  50. Ohhhh my god! Donut is adorable! I don’t know how you didn’t scoop her up and take you home with you. (Hey, what’s one more cat? lol).

    I used to foster kittens and I would weep when they got big enough to be adopted out. Seeing Donut’s scrawny little self reminds me of the kittens I used to foster. Heart-melting…

  51. I have a pet addiction too, especially for the ones who need a new home. Last fall I found a tiny baby kitten abandoned by her mamma in our barn. I took her in the house and my husband fed her spaghetti, she became the most lovey cat and is scrappy too…the best mouser on the ranch! Thanks for sharing your story.

  52. When I lived in Thailand, I had a cat named Donut. I haven’t thought about her for a while, but when I saw your post on the WordPress homepage I had to read it! She was a great cat…as is Donut the kitten.

  53. Oh my gosh! My heart warmed reading this story. I too have a new kitten and am paranoid about letting him out. Kudos to Donut….I’m rooting for her!

  54. This reminds me of when I was in Thailand and befriended a local stray kitten at one of the little “restaurants” on the pier. Well, it was more like a covered deck with pillows to sit on. The little guy would come over to us every evening and sit on our laps while we ate, and fed him little pieces of fish. I had two cats back at home and the little guy tug at my heart big time. All the strays did/do. Glad this guy found you guys.


  55. This is one of the best posts I’ve read in months. So well-written, so sweet, and very relatable.

    “I have an attachment disorder, quite obviously.”

    I think the world would be a MUCH better place if we all had attachment disorders.. greater sensitivity.. more compassion. I admit, I was disappointed when you didn’t scoop her up and take her home with you! But I can also see that she enjoys her life on the run. She is, apparently, always well-taken care of by sweet locals and dear strangers.. like you. 🙂

    Aun Aqui

    1. Thanks for your lovely words!

      I do hope that she is still looked after by the locals, and the tourists. She’s certainly got the cuteness gene and the sympathy vote!

  56. That was simply beautiful.. thanks for sharing.. we got an animal shelter of our own with 40 odd cats.. they sure are lovely creatures with very intense personalities….

  57. Oh dear, I teared up a bit reading this 😦 I am an Indonesian, so Donut is really a typical cat in my country. So many kittens like her: skinny, only bones left, no mother… but somehow they survived. They are surely fighters.

    Such a sweet story, thank you 🙂

  58. I had to stop and read this post just because that tiny little kitten looks just like mine. Her mother showed up at my door as a kitten and wound up pregnant not long after. I took her in, she had the kittens, cared for them, and then was gone. I kept three (unfortunately one didn’t make it). One of the two still living with me is called Gremlin. She looked just like that kitten, adorable but tiny. She is still tiny, though well fed and her name does seem to fit her quite well 🙂 Thanks for writing about her. Adorable story to tell!

  59. Awwww…how could you not feed such a cutie? I’d have given her the milk, too. I think you’re right: She’ll be fine. She’s one of those cats who can get by on her good looks.

  60. Such a cute little kittie! How can you resist taking her home, let alone feeding her?

    I love the name too. My cat is called Cookie and looks just like Donut would if she ate a few square meals.

    1. Unfortunately not, I left her in Indonesia when I finished my holiday. But given her fighting spirit, I’m sure she’s doing just fine right now!

  61. Oh god, she looks so much like my cat Usyaka( you can see the huge ears in the user pic). I know so much what you mean when describing the way she behaved. She looks very much like oriental shorthairs and those can be extremely emotional and human-oriented. What country is Donut from? I guess they are something like far away ( very far away) relatives.

    I hope she will be fine. She is such a beautiful sweet girl. I think if I saw her on the streets I would instantly fall in love, I did fall in love already, actually.

  62. Awww Donuts is an indonesian kitty. There are lots of stray kitties in Indonesia. Donuts has a lovely personality. I have to admit I got a little sad when I saw how skinny she was but of course she has quite a bit of fight in her so she will be fine. Indonesian stray kitties are very tough and affectionate when they become a part of the family. My husband(who is Indonesian) had an indonesian kitty that got attached to him. She one day gave birth to kittens in his room! Can you imagine that? lol
    Thanks for sharing such a lovely story. Donuts made quite an impression.

  63. At the end of your story I was looking for the next installment…is Donut still ok? Has she put on any weight? Can I adopt her?
    Great story and I cried as I read it to my huge, fat, and snobby housecat…of course she paid me no mind at all, sleek as she is.
    I certainly hope Donut is one of the ones who makes it, it’s too sad to think of the alternative.

  64. This is such a touching story. I’m a lot like you in terms of the emotional attachment side of things. I have a cat at home called Archie and I’m usually a dog person but I grew so attached to him and could not bare the thought of him leaving the house since he’s a house cat too. Sometimes I’ll take outside holding him, with a watchful eye. One time I went out though and I didn’t know a window had been left open and Archie had escaped out of it and when I came back I went round the back and I could hear a meow and it was poor Archie stuck in the rain! I was horrified! Thank God he stayed close! He was so cold and so wet. Animals are so precious. Donut is the cutest.

  65. ว้าว ! บล็อกนี้ ดูเหมือน ว่า เช่น เดียวกับ คนเก่า
    ของฉัน มันอยู่ใน ทั้งหมด เรื่อง แต่มันก็มี สวยมาก แบบ เหมือนกันและการออกแบบ เยี่ยม ทางเลือกของ สี

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